Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey Leftover Hot Sandwich

Everyone loves a hot sandwich.  They're even better when you're a bit hammered.  And they're best when you're a bit hammered and you have leftover Thanksgiving turkey.

Leftover Turkey
Good Bread
BBQ Sauce
Your Favorite Cheese
Bell Pepper, sliced thin
Onion or Shallot, sliced real thin

It's pretty easy to assemble.  Slather a thin layer of BBQ sauce on the bread.  Turkey on top of that.  Pesto sauce (I made my own quick sauce from frozen basil, olive oil, garlic, and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese) on turkey.  Thin slices of bell pepper & onion atop the pesto.  Finally, a layer of cheese to top it off.  I used swiss.

Place the sandwich in the oven.  Bake until cheese is bubbly and golden.  Note: This would make a wicked good panini, too.

1 comment:

inland empire restaurant and food reviews said...

Creative Way to make a turkey sandwich sounds delicious!!