Monday, October 13, 2008

Foodbuzz Publisher Community Launches

This Man's Kitchen is a featured publisher on a wonderful site called Foodbuzz.  Over the last few months, I've enjoyed watching Foodbuzz develop into an exciting and informative food community.  This week, the site moves from it's beta test phase into a full launch.

Eating Good Food is something that's universally enjoyed.  Foodbuzz has allowed food writers globally to connect.  I've found quite a few great ideas reading other featured publisher's blogs.  Additionally, I've been provided with constant inspiration to improve my cooking and food writing.  With Foodbuzz, we'll be able to reach not other like-minded people, but, hopefully, expand the reach of food thought to the public at large, encouraging them to eat better, too.

Foodbuzz has been great to the featured publishers, too.  They've arranged for fantastic meals, so bloggers in the same region can get together.  I attended a SoCal dinner last month, and found it very exciting to meet other SoCal food writers, some of them with blogs that I have followed quite a bit.  Today, I received a kick ass Foodbuzz apron.  You better believe I'll be wearing that when I throw my next dinner party!

Congratulations to Foodbuzz on the official launch. 

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