Friday, October 10, 2008

A Chicken Curry: Early Attempt

I was unsure of what to do with a bunch of late season tomatoes from my garden.  I've sauced, sliced, made salad of them, and, frankly, was starting to get bored.  Rather than walk into the complex and girlie world of canning, I decided to turn up the heat a bit.  Thus, my first curry adventure was born.

2 Cups Tomato, pureed
1 Cup Coconut Milk
1 lb. Chicken, cubed
1 Tbs. Curry Powder
1 Clove Garlic, diced
1 Small Onion, diced
1/4 Cup Cilantro, chopped
2 Tbs. Ghee

Begin by heating ghee in a saucepan over medium fire.  If you don't have ghee handy, you can substitute 1 tbs butter and 1 tbs olive oil.  Add your favorite curry powder.  I used a masala blend, which, as it turned out, was really hot!  The flavor, however, was amazing.  You can find good curry blends at most groceries.  If you have the chance, check out a local Indian food market- you'll find a wide range of choice!

Heat powder for one minute, then add garlic and onion.  Continue to cook for another minute.  Your kitchen will smell fragrant and fantastic, as it will throughout the cooking process.

Add tomato puree and coconut milk.  Add pinch of salt.  Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat to medium-low.  Allow to simmer for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, get to work on your chicken.  Cut into one inch (approximately) cubes.  Season with salt & pepper.  You have several choices on how to proceed.  You could simply, after sauce cooks for 15 minutes, drop in chicken and cook for another 15.  Easy peasy.  

For a greater depth of flavor, brown all sides over high heat.  Or grill chicken.  Or, go a little crazy.  Lightly bread and quickly deep fry the cubes.  That's badass!  You could also marinate chicken overnight in a yogurt/spice blend, then cook.  However you do it, add the chicken to the sauce and cook for 15 minutes.

Finally, add chopped cilantro.  Serve.

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